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• _Groundbreaking Pediatric Surgery at Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital, Mukundapur, Saves Young Patient’s Life with Advanced Techniques and ERAS Protocol_

GRS news india : Kolkata, 26th. September, 2024.  A 12-year-old boy was in a very traumatic and critical condition as he has been suffering from high fever, severe respiratory distress, and intense chest pain. His ordeal began with what seemed like a simple low-grade fever, but over the course of 14 days, it escalated into a dire situation that required immediate and advanced medical intervention. Given his critical and worsening health condition, his parents brought him to Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital where a groundbreaking pediatric surgery and Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol proved instrumental in saving the the young boy’s life. Highly experienced team at Narayana Hospital RN Tagore averted a life-threatening condition and now the patient is in his full recovery path.

When the patient was brought to the hospital’s emergency department, he had high fever and was struggling to breathe, so he was given oxygen support at a rate of six liters per minute. Tests, including X-rays, heart scans, and ultrasounds, showed that there was a significant amount of fluid buildup on the right side of the chest and around the heart. These conditions are known as Empyema Thoracis and Pyopericardium in medical terminology.

The patient was quickly taken into surgery, where doctors performed a Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) to remove infected tissue from the chest, open the heart’s lining, and drain pus from around the heart.

The procedure, led by *Prof. (Dr.) Amitabha Chakrabarti, Sr. Consultant, Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon, Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital,* was particularly challenging due to the rarity of such surgeries in pediatric patients. “We discovered that all three sections of the patient’s right lung were infected, with the upper part having a ruptured air pocket and also the covering of heart. We thoroughly cleaned out the infected areas and carefully checked around the heart to make sure all the pus was removed. This was a particularly challenging case given the patient’s age and the severity of the infection. However, with the combined efforts of our dedicated team and the application of advanced surgical techniques like VATS, we were able to achieve a successful outcome” he added.

The surgery, which lasted for two hours, was successful, and the patient was extubated on the operating table, thanks to the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol employed by the Cardio-Thoracic team. The child was moved to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) within two hours post-surgery and showed remarkable recovery. He was mobilized with oxygen support the next day and was gradually weaned off all respiratory assistance. The patient spent six days in the hospital, during which his condition improved significantly. He was discharged in a stable condition, with a prescription for oral antibiotics to ensure complete recovery.

*Mr. R Venkatesh, Group COO of Narayana Health,* said, “The utilization of the ERAS protocol in pediatric patients is a significant achievement for our hospital. It demonstrates our commitment to adopting compassionate care, best practices and ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.”

“The success of this case is a testament to the expertise and commitment of our medical team. We are proud to be at the forefront of providing advanced pediatric care in Eastern India. We continue to set new benchmarks in pediatric thoracic surgeries and remain committed to delivering world-class healthcare services with compassion,” concluded *Mr. Abhijit CP, Facility Director, Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital, Mukundapur, and Corporate Growth Initiatives, Narayana Health (East).*